As we practice social distancing, let us not distance ourselves, socially. First and foremost, let us not distance ourselves from God. We need to draw nearer and nearer to Him in prayer. Terry and I set an alarm to go off every hour, and for the past few days, we have been praying with a passion for God’s intervention, healing and restoration.
Secondly, social distancing is imperative. We need to stay home to stop the spread of this terrible COVID19. In this time of social distancing, let’s not distance ourselves, socially. We have this thing called social media. It keeps us social.
While we cannot go to church, in that we are not in the buildings; we can be the church. We are the church. Our precious pastor, Pastor Steve painted such a beautiful image in our online message today. He said, “Light overcomes the darkness. Picture a candlelight service. One candle lights the next one, and before you know it, there’s light everywhere.”
You and I are those candles, right now. This world is in a candlelight service, but it’s dark. People are afraid. Let’s light each other’s candles. Let’s spread the light of Jesus all around this dark world.
Practice social distance, physically, but do not distance yourself from God. Stay in prayer. Pray like never before. One thing about being stuck at home; if we are not careful, we might find ourselves eating too much, or watching too much of the coverage, causing fear. We might find ourselves being too negative. One thing we cannot do too much?
We cannot overpray. So pray when you wake up. Pray when you are awake in the middle of the night. Pray when you sit down. Pray when you stand up. Pray when your prayer alarm goes off. Pray when you sit at your laptop. Pray when you pick up your phone. Pray when you get ready to watch something funny on Netflix. Pray when your phone rings. Pray when you think of someone. Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. And then, pray some more.
We are the light. Don’t let fear dim your light. The enemy wants nothing more than to overwhelm us with fear, worry and anxiety. Shine your light. Shine your light for Jesus and share His hope.
We can share even while social distancing. Share the love of Jesus. Then pray for those who will see it. I see no irony in the fact we have a “share” button on our social media. Let’s let what we share be about the light, not the darkness.
I love you, and I am praying for you.