Nothing thrills my heart more than knowing Michala’s relationship with Jesus is secure. I prayed for so many years for her future friends and for her college environment. I prayed she would have friends who were like minded, and would be as thoughtful and loving to Michala, as she is to everyone else. “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or even imagine.” - Ephesians 3:20.
I get so excited when Michala tells me about doing a bible study with one of her roommates. Or how all of them are watching their church online (during the pandemic). They are all involved in one way or another, in serving. My heart explodes seeing the answered prayers from so many years of me asking God to provide love and friends for Michala, and He did so … and then some. Immeasurably more than all we ask or even imagine, you might say.
We recently got to visit with Michala, and I cannot tell you how fabulous it was, for my heart to see her and to be filled with our girl’s joy. Michala had been selflessly and thoughtfully “quarantining” at home, leading up to our visit, so that we would all be safe and healthy to see one another. Terry is considered high risk, so take every precaution imaginable, to try and keep ourselves healthy and not expose ourselves to COVID19. While visiting Michala, we wore masks, picked up take-out food, and had a picnic in a beautiful park. Hearing her talk and seeing her beautiful face (we got to see it while we ate outside and had our masks off) light up as she talked about her life and friends filled my heart with a level of joy I can’t quite express.
Immeasurably more.
As we were driving home, Terry and I were talking about how thoughtful and precious Michala is, and how it thrills our hearts to know she is in such a good place; is so happy and at peace, and has such an incredible group of friends who are going to be her lifelong sister-friends. The level of support she has from her church, her bible study friends, her friends from classes, her friends from the organizations in which she is involved and helps lead, is an abundance of answered prayers I prayed, for years.
The power of prayer is undeniable. I see it in Michala’s life and I see it in Terry’s life and I see it in my life. I see it in the lives of friends and family members we have prayed for, and I see it in the beauty of our forgiveness and the redemption from the brokenness we all experience.
I don’t know what it is you are facing, but I beg you to keep your heart focused in prayer. Pretend you are a lobbyist, and be relentless. Keep praying. Keep asking. Keep trusting. Because God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or even imagine.