It's Our Full Time Job To Show Jesus To Everyone

Picture it. The narrator reads, “Meanwhile over at the Little House on the Prairie, Terry and Aimee found themselves without internet and the cable went out, so they spent some sweet, quality time together. It was nice, actually, being disassociated with the news for a couple of days so they played cards, laughed and just really enjoyed their time together.” 

Then, Tuesday evening, the internet returned, briefly. So I hopped on Twitter to see what all we had missed.

Lord have mercy. I think the Hatfields and the McCoys got along better than people are, today.

I was stunned to see the video of the man screaming at someone in Costco, because he was asked to wear a mask. Then, my heart shattered when I saw a video of someone wearing my beloved Tennessee orange, screaming racist, hateful remarks. 

Y’all, I had no words. So I just shut my laptop and spent some time with Jesus. 






I mean it.

This has got to stop. 

When my brother and I were growing up and would start fighting, my mom would yell, “Don’t y’all make me come down there!” And we feared her enough to stop fighting. I feel like yelling that to our country, right now, and having a come to Jesus meeting with everybody. 

We need some serious doses of Jesus. Large, heaping doses. And you and I need to be guzzling Him so what spews out of us is filled with Jesus love, not anger and hate. 

One of the first scriptures I taught Michala when she was little was, “Do not be misled. Bad company corrupts good character.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV)

I pray none of us allow ourselves to be around bad company. We have enough bad company in our country right now. Let’s bring the good character to the table.

Let’s bring everyone back to the middle. 

Meanwhile, I’m going back to no internet and will be over here praying like crazy for change. This world is hurting. This world needs Jesus. 

It’s our job to show Him to everyone.