Donald Trump Is Temporary. Jesus Is Forever.

There is a wonderful saying I refer to, often. “Never argue with a fool, onlookers might not be able to tell the difference.” - Mark Twain.

I love that saying. I try to cling to that saying when I want to engage in debates with people who post absurd theories on social media. You know the type … they believe a UFO landed in their backyard, and are convinced aliens are listening to their dinner conversations. 

Okay, maybe not quite that absurd, but close to it. 

I have decided I love people too much to dislike their politics. And those who say such abhorrent awful things? I want to love them. Right now, I am working hard on even liking some of them, much less love them.

But I want to love them. I am supposed to love them.

I can remember a time we could all talk about politics and shift gears and question who made the best biscuits and gravy, or who had the best fried chicken? Where do you like to go, the mountains or the beach? In other words, we could have genuine, civil conversations. No name calling. No accusing the other of “not doing your research” or being “stupid.” 

We need to get back to that, y’all. 


“Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” - Ephesians 4:24 (NLT)

The world is watching us, and when Christians start name-calling or being cruel, the world shakes their heads and says things like, “Yeah. Christians. Sure.”

We have one job, and that job is to point others to Jesus. We are created to be like God - truly righteous and holy. 

We are not being righteous and holy when we tell people how ignorant they are, or how foolish they are being for supporting candidate A or candidate B.

Let’s put on our new natures, created to be like God - truly righteous and holy and campaign the heck out of winning people over for Jesus. Donald Trump is temporary. Joe Biden is temporary.

Jesus is forever.