When Michala was born, my mom told me how quickly her childhood would fly by. To hold her and rock her as much as she would let me. I took that advice to heart, and boy am I glad. My mom also told me to pray for her, every single day.
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” - 3 John 1:4 (NIV)
There’s a saying, “the days are long but the years are short.” Parents everywhere will attest to this. Sometimes I close my eyes and remember rocking my baby. Her Johnson’s Baby Wash smell. The way she nestled herself onto my shoulder, and let me rock her and sing, “Baby Mine.” The way she would reach for me in the middle of the night when she woke up crying, and sometimes just needed to be held and kissed by me.
I’m so glad I held her all those nights. I’m so glad I rocked her past falling asleep, and just whispered over her, “Protect her, Father. Watch over her and keep her safe. Let her know You love her, and help her to know and love You.”
I’m so glad I let her talk me into, “One more book, Mommy,” nearly every night at bedtime. I’m so glad I could read about mermaids and fairies and teach her sight words and a joy for books and learning.
I’m so glad her love for reading carried her into faraway lands and mystical wonders of Greek mythology when she was still in elementary school. I’m so glad that love of reading and thirst for knowledge would get her into the dual enrollment and advanced placement classes in high school.
I’m so glad the way she challenged herself throughout high school produced acceptance letters and scholarships to nearly every dream university she had, and she had options and choices to make.
I’m so glad her hard work, endless hours of studying, tireless work outside of her classes and studying paid off for her. I’m so glad the nudge to step outside of her comfort zone and try new things opened the door for her to help lead the chapter of Her Campus at her University, and meet friends for life. I’m so glad she knocked on doors and asked for opportunities, and held part time jobs throughout college, so that her resume would show both a degree and work experience.
I’m so glad she accepted a job nearly two months before her college graduation. I’m so glad she moved to a new city, and is now on her own, because I know she is not only able, she is capable.
I’m so glad I prayed over my child every single day of her life, because she has a heart for Jesus, and I have no greater joy than to hear my daughter is walking in the truth. I’m so glad as long as I have breath to breathe and my mind is functioning, I will spend all of my days praying for my child, and her future.
Young moms, old moms, tired moms, busy moms, exhausted moms, sick moms, happy moms, whatever kind of mom you are, don’t stop praying for your babies. The best gifts we can give them will never be purchased, because Jesus already paid for that gift. The best gift we can give our child is to know the love of Jesus, and to love Jesus.
The days are long but the years are short. This beautiful baby I’m holding in this picture will walk across the stage tomorrow, and graduate, Summa Cum Laude with a bachelor of science in integrated public relations and advertising.
I am so glad I held her every chance I had. Because she sure did grow up, fast. And her childhood was not easy, yet she not once used that as a crutch. Instead, it motivated her to be the very best version of herself she could possibly be.
And for that, I am so so glad.