Be Available

I just took an eight-week class with Bob Goff. One of the biggest takeaways he suggested is, “Be available.” 

Right now, these are ungodly times. I don’t know how else to describe it. But we need to be available. It’s not honest nor is it realistic to say, “I don’t see color.” Yes we do. 

Yes we do.

And because we see color, we need to be more available for our brothers and sisters of *all* colors. Please reach out to them. Please don’t do it for fanfare, though. Please don’t post on a public format, so it doesn’t scream, “Look at me! I’m not a racist.” 

Please do it quietly and individually. 

And then be quiet and listen. And be prepared to hear some things you do not know. Be prepared to be uncomfortable. Because you know what? This *is* uncomfortable. I don’t think I ever truly understood what white “privilege” was, until recently. I am sorry I didn’t. To my friends of all colors, I humbly ask your forgiveness for not realizing it. And it’s disgusting and unfair, but we cannot deny it is a very real thing.

I sure as heck don’t have any answers. I have never had to live in fear that my child will be detained or pulled over or questioned just for being black. I have never walked in those shoes. But many of my girlfriends do. And I tossed and turned all night, because I could not get their faces out of my minds. So I prayed. I cried, and I begged God to give us all empathy. We need more empathy and more humility. I prayed for God to give us the courage to say, “I don’t know what you are going through, but can I do anything to help?”

This is 2020. I know this is not anything new for our black and brown brothers and sisters. But y’all, it should be something old. It should be a story that, when told, shocks people “back in the old days, they actually did this.” It should not, for any reason, be happening today. So let’s not just talk about it right now because it’s fresh on our minds, and in the news. Let’s keep talking about it, UNTIL IT ENDS.

Please be available for one another. And if you need me, I’m here. I’m available.