For Valentine's Day, I gave Terry gifts for the senses. For every sense, there was a special gift. For example, for the sense of hearing, I gave him two new albums to add to our “record” collection.
It was so much fun to put these gifts together and write a note for each one. It made me really focus on each sense, and try to come up with something special and unique for each. I can see how Papa gifts us, every single day with our senses. The gift of a glorious sunrise and sunset allows us to experience the sense of sight. When we listen to beautiful music or the ocean waves or birds singing … we experience the sense of hearing. When we sip a delicious wine or taste a fabulous chocolate or savor an incredible meal, we experience the sense of taste. When we hold hands with our loved one and kiss them or feel their embrace; we experience the sense of touch. When we smell a flower or a candle, we experience the sense of smell.
Each of these senses are particularly special when you break them down, individually. But what if we used each one for God’s glory and to reach someone for Jesus
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